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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Redecorate on Any Budget

The Budget Decorator shows how you can freshen up your home's interior for less. by Sam Gaines

In this time of belt-tightening, the idea of redecorating your home may not have occurred to you. In fact, "we can't afford it right now" may have been the first thought to cross your mind. However, there are many ways you can update your home's décor without breaking the bank.

Scratch Out Starting from Scratch
What can you do on a limited budget? Plenty, as it turns out, and it doesn’t have to be a major production. “Redecorating is a great way to create a warm and comfortable home while also saving money—because you aren’t starting from scratch,” says Kathy Wilson, home and garden expert and editor of “Many of your favorite items you already own can be used in your redecorating scheme, put together and enhanced in new ways.”

Have a Decorating Plan
You can’t create a budget until you know what you plan to do. Wilson recommends starting with a decorating plan. “Create a theme, and write out a plan that fulfills your wants and needs,” she says. “You can’t create a budget until you know what you want, or you will waste a lot of money on impulse purchases.”

Shop Around
How do you know how much to budget for furnishings and décor? “Use your decorating plan to make a list and get estimated costs,” Wilson says. “When something appears too costly, look for a less expensive way to create the same effect for less.”
Now it’s time to hit the stores. Price what you need and compare those prices to get your best deal. One more thing: Never go pricing without that decorating plan. “Even the most experienced decorator can get into trouble buying things out of budget and inappropriate for the room if they don’t have a guide to keep them on track,” Wilson notes.

Start with the Big Projects First
By starting with the bigger items on your list, you can make the biggest impact in the least amount of time, says Wilson. “Painting the walls or slip-covering the furniture may be the first step you want to budget for, and then plan to make more changes as your budget allows over time,” she says.

Work with Your Retailer
If your redecorating project involves purchasing new furniture, work with the retailer to make the most of your budget. Make the sales associate your partner in redesign. They can help you plan and organize your purchases over time so that you get the most bang for your buck.

Use an In-Store Designer
If you can't afford to hire an interior designer for your home décor project, you may be able to find one at your furniture retailer who can assist you for no additional charge. Lawrance Furniture, a Southern California based contemporary home furnishings and accessories store, is one of many furniture retailers offering in-store consultants. 

In-store designers can also help you select items in the store that best fit your budget and design plan. 

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